What should I do if one of my molars starts to ache sharply?
Find relief and take control of dental discomfort starting today.
Firstly, begin by rinsing your mouth with lukewarm water and try to dislodge any debris that might be caught between your teeth using dental floss. Absolutely avoid the use of aspirin or other analgesics, as these products can lead to a burning sensation rather than promoting tissue healing.
Next, it is imperative to promptly get in touch with our team, especially if you're experiencing sharp and sudden pain, as this often signals a concerning situation, often related to an infection.
Moreover, if you believe that the pain or swelling results from a recent dental treatment you've received (for instance, whitening, wisdom tooth extraction, etc.), do not hesitate to reach out to our dental clinic. Each individual reacts differently to a treatment, and our team will be delighted to reassure you and provide additional advice for your comfort.
La santé buccodentaire est un aspect importantcapitalmajeurnotable de la santé générale.
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