Experience exceptional outcomes through our precision dental surgery!
Our skilled team, comprised of experts in various fields of dental surgery, is prepared to address your needs with a high level of expertise. From tooth extractions to biopsies, we are here to guide you through each step, providing tailored and exceptional quality care.
Our team may recommend tooth extraction in various situations, including:
- A tooth too damaged to be restored
- A broken or cracked tooth
- A loose tooth
- Painful or impacted wisdom tooth, or a wisdom tooth that is too large or remains embedded in the gum
- Primary tooth (child's tooth) that is not shedding in a timely manner
- Painful tooth due to infection
Our team is specially trained to ensure a comfortable and painless tooth extraction. When scheduling an appointment, feel free to inquire about our range of solutions aimed at making this treatment as pleasant as possible.
In case our team detects an oral lesion, or if you have concerns about any such lesion, we are equipped to conduct a biopsy to ascertain whether the area exhibits indications of cancer or not. Don't hesitate to reach out to our team to gather further insights regarding this procedure.
Can I have a tooth removed while being asleep?
We do not perform surgery while you are asleep, but rather under conscious sedation. Our priority is to provide you with a comfortable and stress-free dental care experience. The conscious sedation we offer allows you to remain relaxed and conscious during the procedure while ensuring your safety and well-being.
What are the risks if I don't have a tooth extracted?
Pain and discomfort: A damaged, infected, or impacted tooth can cause constant pain and discomfort, affecting your quality of life.
Damage to adjacent teeth: A damaged tooth may exert pressure on neighboring teeth, leading to issues like misalignment or malocclusion.
Jaw deformation: Missing a tooth can result in changes to the jaw structure, affecting the alignment of other teeth.
It is essential to regularly visit your dentist to assess the health of your teeth and follow appropriate treatment recommendations. If a dentist advises you to have a tooth extracted, it is crucial to understand the underlying reasons and the risks associated with not undergoing the extraction.